
Be careful and do not let evil people fool you

Attention! There is a group of malicious individuals who are using the same name "Stanford International Victims Group" (SIVG) to cheat the victims. They argue that they are members of the SIVG but it is actually a lie and its purpose is simply to deceive the victims.

SIVG has not authorized any third person, blog, webpage or forum to use the name "Stanford International Victims Group" or its initials SIVG.

This is the official site of SIVG ( and the SIVG official forum is

Vulture taking care of meat

Advice! Stay away from anyone who is promoting the sale of your claims.

It is obvious that if there are people interested in buying our claims it is because there are great hopes to recover enough money.

Visit the SIVG official Blog! or here!

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Stanford Financial Group Receivership - Recent Developments Chasing Madoff
The story you don't know behind the crime you can't forget!

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SIVG is not affiliate to any law firm, receivership nor liquidator; therefore SIVG keep a neutral and impartial position.

Stanford International Victims Group Forum

SIVG - Forum

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Memorable phrases to never forget

  • The 159-page of SEC Inspector General David Kotz's report said the scheme was able to continue for so long due to "institutional influences" within the SEC, and the agency's desire to chase after slam-dunk cases.

  • "The depth of the failure at the SEC in the Stanford investigation is unbelievable," said U.S. Sen. David Vitter, R-La.

  • "The one thing that is clear from the inspector general David Kotz's report is that the debt the SEC owes the Stanford victims is enormous," said U.S. Sen. David Vitter.

  • Rose Romero (director of the SEC's Fort Worth regional office): "we did not think there were any American investors so it really did not concern us".

  • "I urge the SEC to act swiftly in correcting these wrongs, so these families whose retirement and savings were stolen as a result of greed and government failure can begin rebuilding their lives," U.S. Rep. Charlie Melancon said.

  • "Keep an eye on these people [Stanford] because it looks like a Ponzi scheme to me, and some day it's going to blow up," said a retiring assistant district administrator for the Fort Worth examination program in 1997 to the branch chief.

  • Simon, the Florida banking director who approved the agreement, says he should have banned the office from handling money. Art Simon, now admits he made a mistake.

  • Several lawyers said much of the responsibility rests with Simon. "In this case, he was responsible for having an effective system of enforcement," said Jeffrey Sonn, a Fort Lauderdale securities attorney. "The state didn't do the kind of reviews it needed to do."

  • "As God is my witness," Stanford said, "there is no Ponzi scheme, there was no intentional fraud." The company "had far more assets, solid assets, cash and other assets that could cover all our liabilities worldwide."

  • "I love you and believe in you," said the e-mail sent "If you want my ear/voice -- e-mail," it said, signed "Pete Sessions."

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